Styles Quick Guide

Craft makes it easy to create visually stunning documents, no design expertise required.

Our Styles function offers a fun an intuitive way to make your content pop by allowing you to customise the backdrop, cover image, text and even the color of your whole document at once. Washi Tapes separators will give a unique look and feel to your pages. 

For a deeper dive into this feature, we recommend starting with our article on Documents, Pages, and Blocks.


Styles Menu

In our Mac and Web apps, you'll find the Styles tab within the left sidebar:



Style Preview and Styles Gallery

While on the Styles menu, you will always see a minimalistic representation of what font, cover and backdrop is currently set for the document. That is a great way to have have a quick visual reference of how the style elements in your document look together. E.g.:



Click on the Style Preview to access the Styles Gallery and browse through our curated collection of preset Styles for your documents.


Custom Styling

Apart from our preset collection, you can Style your own colors for the backdrop, text and even the document itself. 

The backdrop function allows you to choose from a wide range of options, from Solid Colors, Gradients and Images:


Uploading a Custom Image for Styles

You can upload any image from your device to be your Backdrop or Cover image. For the backdrop: select the image option and choose to "Upload". 

For the cover image, you'll can select an image from your device by choosing to "Insert File".


Unsplash for Styling

Don't have time to search the internet for the perfect cover image or backdrop? We got you.

Craft's integration with Unsplash makes it super easy to quickly find the best, professional pictures for your document, with only a few clicks. By selecting the Unsplash button while setting your backdrop or cover image, you will have access to Unsplash data base. Search for any relevant keywords to find the theme you're looking for. 



Separators and Washi Tapes

We often use separators to better structure content within a document. Why not make that structuring a visual and fun experience as well? In Craft, we took it to the next level by introducing Washi tapes: uniquely decorated strips that can serve as separators for your text. Therefore, you can choose if you're separators will look like the standard lines, washi tapes or doodles. 



Washi Tape Styling

Similar to the backdrop and cover image options, you can set solid colors or patterns to your washi tape separators. 


Access the Washi tapes gallery to find beautiful preset patterns:


You can go as specific as you'd like for your Washi tape color. Come up with your preferred shade manually or input the RGB colour code in the color picker.  



-- Highlight Block --

Pro Tip: Type 3 dashes to instantly add a washi tape, or any kind of separator you have set for your document. 


Text and Document Color

Craft documents color will be either black, if your using Dark Mode, or white, if you're using Light Mode. We call that the "system default" color. It is represented by the black and white icon set as the standard choice for your document and text color:


However, you have full control over your document and text hue. Choose your preferred shade manually or insert the RGB code in the colour picker to get the exact shade you want your document to be. 

custom doc color.gif


-- Callout Block --

Tip: Use the reset button to instantly turn your document back to the default system color:  




Change the font style of your whole document with one click. You can change the font between System, Serif, Mono and Rounded. 


-- Callout Block --

Note: It is currently not possible to upload a custom font into Craft. 


Exporting Styled Documents to PDF

We thought of the Styles function as a powerful way to freely express yourself through your documents. It also allows you to create your own preferred visual environment when editing your documents. However, if for any reason you'd need to disable Styling when exporting your content to PDF, you can easily do so in the exporting options:  
