If you see the "You Are Offline" message

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This message means the app has temporarily lost its connection to the internet or our servers, it will automatically attempt to reconnect. Here’s what you can do in the meantime:

  • Check Your Internet Connection: Make sure your connection is active and stable. A reliable connection will help the app reconnect quickly and seamlessly.
  • Pause Editing: To avoid any potential data loss, we recommend pausing editing until the app is back online. This way, you can continue working seamlessly once reconnected.
  • Reload the Page: If you're confident your connection is stable and you have no unsaved changes, try reloading the page to re-establish the connection.

-- Callout Block --

The message will disappear as soon as the connection is successfully restored, signaling that you can resume using Craft normally.

We understand how frustrating connectivity issues can be and are actively working to enhance Craft’s stability. If the issue persists, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for further assistance.