Craft AI Assistant is a feature that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help you work faster, generate new ideas, proofread your work, translate text into another language, summarize documents, and find the information contained within your Craft space in seconds.
Craft AI Assistant is available on all platforms: Mac App, iOS, and iPadOS apps, including Windows and Web applications.
It is free to use for all users, within the limits of each subscription tier:
- Starter Plan - 50 requests per 30 days
- Plus Plan - 500 requests per 30 days
- Family Plan - 500 requests per 30 days
- Team Plan - 2500 requests per 30 days
- Business Plan - 2500 requests per 30 days
The 30-day period begins from the date of your first request. After 30 days, your request count resets.
Our Legacy Pro and Legacy Business plans offer ChatGPT 3.5, while our newer plans listed above offer ChatGPT 4.0.
What powers Craft AI?
Craft Assistant utilizes both GPT-3.5 and 4.0 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3.5 / 4.0) an autoregressive language model built by OpenAI.
How do I get started with Craft AI?
Select a Block and press cmd/ctrl + return, or on iOS, select ‘Assistant’ in the options at the bottom.
-- Highlight Block --
Tip: as a shortcut, you can use the / command as well.
You can check your requests limit as well as your refresh date under the three-dot menu:
-- Callout Block --
On iOS, if the block you want to run the assistant on is the last in a doc/page, it will select the whole current page. easy workaround is to just insert another block below!
How is my data used by the AI?
You can find more information in the following document.
What languages does Craft AI support?
Craft AI currently supports all major languages.
How to Enable or Disable AI Assistant?
You can choose to enable or disable your AI Assistant for a specific space while in Home View > Space Name > Settings > Assistant.