The URL scheme lets users and developers of other apps send commands to Craft. This page explain how it works and what are the current capabilities.
Note: We are planning to add more capabilities to the existing ones in the future.
Here are the available commands that Craft understands:
- Open a document
- Create a document
- Append to an existing document
- Start search in a Space
Open page
- blockId - you can access it if you click on Copy Deeplink in a doc, the link has a blockId parameter
- spaceId - your user id usually (random guid), if it's a shared workspace, you need to get it [click copy deeplink, it will have the id]
Example: craftdocs://open?spaceId=<spaceId>&blockId=<blockId>
Note: It does not work when you are not the member of the space
Open space
- spaceId - you can get this from a simple deeplink, when clicking on Copy Deeplink
- (optional) tab - calendar or search or documents
Example: craftdocs://openspace?spaceId=<spaceId>&tab=<tab>
Note: It does not work when you are not the member of the space
Create document
- spaceId - you can get this from a simple deeplink, when clicking on Copy Deeplink
- content - Percentage encoded markdown (images not supported yet)
- title - Percentage encoded plaintext title
- folderId - Parameter is required, but can be empty
Example: craftdocs://createdocument?spaceId=<spaceId>&title=<title>&content=<content>&folderId=<folderId>
Append to doc
- spaceId - you can get this from a simple deeplink, when clicking on Copy Deeplink
- index - index of new block (0 for prepend, huge number for append (more blocks than what you have in your doc)
- parentBlockId - blockId of document
- content - percentage encoded string
Example: craftdocs://createblock?parentBlockId=<parentBlockId>&spaceId=<spaceId>&content=<content>&index=<index>
Search in Workspace
Starts a search in a given workspace and prefills search textfield with the query contents
- spaceId - you can get this from a simple deeplink, when clicking on Copy Deeplink
- query - Make sure it's percentage encoded
Example: craftdocs://opensearch?spaceId=<spaceId>&query=<query>
Access to Daily Notes
- Yesterday - craftdocs://openByQuery?query=yesterday&spaceId=<spaceId>
- Today - craftdocs://openByQuery?query=today&spaceId=<spaceId>
- Tomorrow - craftdocs://openByQuery?query=tomorrow&spaceId=<spaceId>