Master keyboard shortcuts in Craft to navigate and perform actions quickly. Below is a detailed list of shortcuts categorized by functionality.
-- Highlight Block --
Note: The latest added shortcuts are in blue.
- Cancel: ⎋ (Escape)
- Open Settings: ⌘ (Command) + , (Comma)
- See All Keyboard Shortcuts: ⌥ (Option) + ⌘ (Command) + , (Comma)
Navigate Back:
- ⌘ (Command) + ← (Left Arrow)
- ⌘ (Command) + [ (Left Bracket)
- ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + ← (Left Arrow)
Navigate Forward:
- ⌘ (Command) + → (Right Arrow)
Navigate Into:
- ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + → (Right Arrow)
- ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + ] (Right Bracket)
- Quick Open: ⌘ (Command) + O
Quick Open Menu Enhancements:
- Navigate to Home, Calendar, Tasks, and global browse views (Starred, Organize, All Docs, etc.) using the Quick Open. E.g. type "Home" in the Quick Open while on a document.
- Go to Daily Note: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + N
- Open Link: ⌥ (Option) + ⌘ (Command) + ⏎ (Return)
- Toggle Focus Mode: ⌘ (Command) + . (Period)
- Toggle Left Sidebar: ⌘ (Command) + \ (Backslash)
- Zoom In: ⌘ (Command) + + (Plus)
- Zoom Out: ⌘ (Command) + - (Minus)
- Actual Size: ⌘ (Command) + 0 (Zero)
- New Document: ⌘ (Command) + N
- New Quick Note: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + N
- Delete Document: ⌫ (Delete)
- Search in Space: ⌘ (Command) + F
- Copy Deeplink to Current View or Page: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + L
- Copy Deeplink to Currently Selected Document or Block: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + ⇧ (Shift) + L
In Document
- Mark Task as Done: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + T
- Mark Task as Cancelled: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + ⇧ (Shift) + T
In Tasks and Calendar Views
- Mark Task as Done: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + T
- Mark Task as Cancelled: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + ⇧ (Shift) + T
- Create New Task: ␣ (Space)
- Point at a Document or Day: Use this to create the task in that specific document or day
- Search: ⌘ (Command) + F
- Use Selection to Search: ⌘ (Command) + E
- Print: ⌘ (Command) + P
Insert New Block
- Below Current Block: ␣ (Space)
- Above Current Block: ⇧ (Shift) + ␣ (Space)
- Open Insert Panel: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + ⏎ (Return)
Edit Selection
- Edit Text Block: ⏎ (Return)
- Edit Page Block: ⇧ (Shift) + ⏎ (Return)
- End Editing: ⎋ (Escape)
- Duplicate Block: ⌘ (Command) + D
- Delete Block: ⌫ (Delete)
- Assistant: ⌘ (Command) + ⏎ (Return)
- Add or View Comments: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + M
- Undo: ⌘ (Command) + Z
- Redo: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + Z
Text Size
- Increase: ⌃ (Control) + + (Plus)
- Decrease: ⌃ (Control) + - (Minus)
Text Style
- Title: ⌃ (Control) + 1
- Subtitle: ⌃ (Control) + 2
- Heading: ⌃ (Control) + 3
- Strong: ⌃ (Control) + 4
- Body: ⌃ (Control) + 5
- Caption: ⌃ (Control) + 6
- Page: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + P
- Card: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + L
- To-Do List: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + 6
- Mark Task as Completed: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + T
- Mark Task as Cancelled: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + ⇧ (Shift) + T
- Toggle List: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + 7
- Open/Close Toggle: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + T
- Bullet List: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + 8
- Numbered List: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + 9
- No List: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + 0
- Focus: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + I
- Block: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + ' (Apostrophe)
- Increase Indent: ⇥ (Tab)
- Decrease Indent: ⇧ (Shift) + ⇥ (Tab)
Text Format
- Bold: ⌘ (Command) + B
- Italic: ⌘ (Command) + I
- Code: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + C
- Strikethrough: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + - (Hyphen)
- Link: ⌘ (Command) + K
- Type Equation: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + E
- Block Link: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + K
- Highlight: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + B
Copy/Paste Style
- Copy Format: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + C
- Paste Format: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + V
Move Selected Blocks
- Move Up: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + ↑ (Up Arrow)
- Move Down: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + ↓ (Down Arrow)
- Move to Top: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + ↑ (Up Arrow)
- Move to Bottom: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + ↓ (Down Arrow)
- Move to New Document(s): ⌘ (Command) + ⌃ (Control) + N
Group & Ungroup
- Group: ⌘ (Command) + G
- Ungroup: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + G
- Cut: ⌘ (Command) + X
- Copy: ⌘ (Command) + C
- Paste: ⌘ (Command) + V
- Paste Without Formatting: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + V
- Copy Deeplink to Current View: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + L
- Copy Deeplink to Current Selection: ⌘ (Command) + ⌥ (Option) + ⇧ (Shift) + L
- New Window: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + N
- Close Current Tab or Window: ⌘ (Command) + W
- Full Screen: Fn + F
- New Tab: ⌘ (Command) + T
- Switch to Tab 1-9: ⌘ (Command) + (1-9)
Switch to Next Tab:
- ⌃ (Control) + ⇥ (Tab)
- ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + ] (Right Bracket)
Switch to Previous Tab:
- ⌃ (Control) + ⇧ (Shift) + ⇥ (Tab)
- ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + [ (Left Bracket)
- Reopen Last Closed Tab: ⌘ (Command) + ⇧ (Shift) + T
Custom Shortcuts
- For any action listed in the application menu (whether it has a shortcut or not), users can set up a custom shortcut from macOS settings: Apple Guide.