Creating and Customizing Spaces

Create a new Space

You can create a new Space by Selecting the + button from the drop-down on the left sidebar

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Customizing Space Settings

You can find the Space Settings by clicking on the Space Name and selecting the Settings button in the drop-down.

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Within the 'Space Settings' menu, you will find the options for:


  • Space Details: Changing the name and logo of your Space.
  • Notifications: The options to enable Push or Email notifications.
  • Danger Zone: Having the option to either Leave or Delete the Space 
  • Assistant: Enabling the AI Assistant
  • Manage Space Access: With a Family plan or higher, you can set your Spaces to private to manage access.

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Note: If this 'Delete Space' option is greyed out, that means the Space or Team you are trying to delete is a 'Default Team or Space'. Unfortunately, Default Teams and Spaces cannot be deleted as they are the first Team and Space automatically created for you when you sign up with Craft. They are a crucial part of the framework of your account.