At the moment, Craft doesn’t offer tags, but we understand this might be an important part of your workflow.
We are planning to introduce tags in the future, but the good news is that with backlinks, you can already have a workaround solution:
Backlinks as tags
With backlinks, you can connect documents and blocks to each other. The linked content will be referenced at the bottom of the page under @Links To This Page. Read more about Links and backlinks.
1. Create documents for all the tags you would like to use (e.g., “Tag workaround”).
2. Using "Tag workaround" as an example - you can link blocks to this tag by using the @ symbol and typing the name of the document title:
3. Then go into the “tag workaround” document to see all the blocks across pages and subpages which are linked to this “tag” under the @Links To This Page section.
Tip: If you want a more compact format, you can use a single “Tags workaround” document and add the tags as pages in this document.
Alternatively, you can utilize folders and sub-folders to structure your documents.