Setting up Calendar Integration

Craft’s Calendar integration helps you stay on top of your schedule by connecting directly with Apple’s Calendar. With this integration, you can view your events alongside your notes, keeping everything in one place for better organization and focus.


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Note: Currently, it is only possible to integrate Craft with Apple's Calendar. Therefore, this feature it's not available for the Windows or Web App. 


Enable the Calendar view in the sidebar

In case you can't see the Calendar view in your left sidebar, make sure to enable it via the customisation options for the sidebar dropdown. 

enable calendar.gif


Setting up Calendar integration

While in calendar view, initiate the Calendar integration by attempting to enable "Show Calendar Events", after clicking on the Events Button. You will be prompted to allow Craft to access your calendar via your Mac settings. 



After allowing access to calendar, you'll need to Restart Craft to apply the changes: 



Enable Events in Calendar Section

After restarting the app to apply the changes, go back to Calendar view and enable events to sync your calendar. You can further customise which calendar will be visible, if you have multiple calendars connected to your Apple calendar. 

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