Quick Actions on iOS

Quick Actions feature on iOS makes it easier than ever to stay organised. Whether you want to add a task, create a document, or jot down a daily note, you can do it instantly with just a couple taps. It's a simple way to get started and keep your focus where it’s needed.




Quick adding a document

Focus on writing down your ideas, whether you should start with the title or the content for your document. After selecting the document icon, you can also decide in which folder the new page you're creating will be nested. 

With the Quick Add, writing a sentence that's less than 20 characters long will generate the title of your document.


Writing a sentence thats over 20 characters long will automatically place it in the document content. Upon creating the document, you are prompted to decide its title, if you want it: 



Quick adding a Task

After tapping on the "+" button, you'll instantly get a writing box to type in your input. You can decide to turn what was written into a Task right away, by selecting the to-do icon. The Task will be added to your Inbox section. 



Quick adding a daily note entry

Use the quick add button and select the calendar icon to instantly add content to you today's daily note:
